Brigham Royalties
Premier mineral acquisitions company with a long track record of treating mineral owners fairly




How long does it take to close a transaction?

Similar to the home acquisition or sales process, we run full title on every deal to verify ownership. We incur these title costs to ensure we are paying you for every acre that you own. This process can take up to 30 days.

How do I calculate my acreage ownership?

There is an easy way to calculate your acreage ownership using a recent check stub. We are happy to guide you through the process by contacting us here. If you do not have a check stub, we will do our best to navigate you through the process.

How do I receive payment for my mineral rights?

Typically, we wire the money to you on the date of closing. However, we are happy to work through alternative means to facilitate the process.

How do you decide how much my minerals are worth?

Please visit the Selling web page and scroll down to the section titled, “Our Process.” Here we discuss how we evaluate each offer.